Thursday, January 7, 2016

Now is the time...

We are now one week into 2016 and you might be one of these two types of people:

*You either set goals for the new year and got started on them right away! You are already on your way to achieving amazing things and you are proud of the way you hustle!


*You told yourself you will start working on your goals in 2016 and have rested on your laurels. You know what you want, but you haven't taken any steps to get there! You already feel stuck, just one week into the new year.

If you are in the second group, please know that it isn't too late! January 1st is just a date on the calendar...just like today! Now is a great time to start! Whether you have small or large goals for yourself, they aren't going to come to fruition magically. It is going to take your work and your planning to achieve them. What's your first step?

Brainstorm! Make a list of what will be needed to reach your goal.
What challenges will you face along the way?
Do you need any materials or resources to get started?
When do you want to reach your goal? Set a specific date!
Break down your 'to dos' and schedule each step between now and your end date.
Now, get to work!

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